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The Biebrza River Flow Model with Data Assimilation

Author(s): Dorota Swiatek; Stefan Ignar

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Keywords: Data assimilation; Newtonian nudging; Modelling; Biebrza; Flow

Abstract: The paper presents a 1D hydrodynamic river flow model employing a data assimilation procedure based on Newtonian nudging. Data assimilation provides a tool for integrating observations of spatially distributed environmental variables with model predictions. In this paper a simple data assimilation technique, the Newtonian nudging to individual observations method has been implemented. The method involves adding a term to the prognostic equation. This term is proportional to the difference between the value calculated in the model at a given point in time and space and the one resulting from observations. The calculations were performed at a 20-km reach of the river in the upper part of the Lower Biebrza Basin, situated in the north-eastern part of Poland. The observed water stage collected by automatic sensors was the subject of the data assimilation in the Newtonian nudging to individual observations method. The water level observation data was collected in three observation points along the river with the time interval of 6 hours. The obtained results show a prediction with no nudging and influence of the nudging term on water stages forecast. The developed model enables integrating water stage observation with an unsteady river flow model for improved water level prediction.


Year: 2013

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