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Combined Effect of Seepage Erosion and Fluvial Entrainment on Streambank Failure: A Laboratory and Numerical Study

Author(s): Yefei Tan; Jun Lu; Xinghua Xie; Siqiang Wu; Bo Ning; Jun Yan

Linked Author(s): Xinghua Xie

Keywords: Seepage erosion; Fluvial entrainment; Bank failure

Abstract: In this paper, A cohesionless sand slope was constructed with the presences of both front fluvial flow and lateral seepage. Five linear displacement sensors were attached to the middle line of the slope surface and mounted on the upper rail to monitor the deformation of the slope. The interaction effects caused by surficial and subsurface flows were studied by coupling Darcy, Brinkman and Navier-Stokes equations. Results showed that a high fluvial velocity had a significant effect on the increase of pore-water pressure near the slope surface, and the direction of maximum seepage force as well, therefore, sand particles were easier to be removed and resulted in a less safe streambank. We also found that the direction-changed seepage helped the widening process in the downstream area and the failure intensity is exponentially related to the fluvial velocity for a constant seepage condition.


Year: 2013

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