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Fish (Spinibarbus Hollandi) Behavior in Relation to Changing Hydrological Conditions. Laboratory Experiments, Numerical Modeling, and Case Study

Author(s): Rui Han

Linked Author(s): Rui Han

Keywords: Fish behavior; Laboratory experiment; Numerical simulation; Vector-based movement; Fish habitats restoration

Abstract: The paper presents a comprehensive method to investigate fish behaviors to hydrological conditions through laboratory experiments and numerical simulations. Spinibarbus hollandi (S. hollandi), which is an important freshwater fish in South China, was selected in the study. The experiments about S. hollandi tendencies to flow velocity, substrate size were examined under fish volitional swimming conditions in laboratory. Basing on the data refined from the experiments, the curves of fish behaviors in relations to hydrological conditions were defined. These curves were then used to develop an individual-based fish population dynamic model, where fish behaviours was depicted on vector-based movement rules, and the parameters were estimated on the basis of the data from the experiments. The validated fish model was then applied to restore a historical spawning ground in Lijiang River and the simulated results suggest that in order to recover the historical spawning grounds, changing river morphology to create parent fish preferred environments could be a possible solution.


Year: 2013

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