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Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Water Flow and Sediment Transport Processes in the Spring Tidal Estuarine Transition Zone

Author(s): Fangkai Ma; Chunbo Jiang; Mingwu Zhang; Xiaofen Li

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Keywords: 3-D numerical simulation; Sediment transport; Estuary; Spring tide

Abstract: A three-dimensional numerical model is established for water flow and sediment transport in the spring tidal estuarine transition zone, according to the characteristics of water flow and sediment transport in tidal unsteady flow. By applying the model, the flow and sediment transport processes in Mersey Estuary are studied. The influence factors of water flow and sediment transport are studied, and 4 designed typical cases are analyzed based on the measured data. The main influence factors to water flow and sediment transport include 3 factors, namely, downstream tidal flow, upstream inflow and estuary topography. The several conclusions are made to support the management of water environment in the estuary. The variation of tidal level hardly influences the elevation of the upstream inlet. However, at the location 0km-38km from the river mouth during the high tide, the elevations of different cases are mainly controlled by the tide. The salinity variation processes in the spring-tidal estuary, which are similar to those of the elevation fluctuation, are mainly determined by the tidal processes. The upstream inflow would cause scour above the Runcorn Station where the river channel is narrowed and curved. The erosion amount caused by the upstream inflow is not large. At the high tidal flows, the upper reach of the Estuary would cause erosion due to the topography. At the lower reaches of the Estuary where the water is deep and the velocity declines, the sediment is partly deposited.


Year: 2013

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