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The Application of Information Entropy in the Optimization of Hydrological Station Network

Author(s): Jing Xu; Qiong Huang; Xiaohong Ruan

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Keywords: Rainfall network; Entropy; Information; Optimization

Abstract: Rainfall is one of the most important components in the hydrological cycle. At the same time, it is also the factor with the greatest uncertainty in runoff simulations. In this study, we evaluated the rainfall network over the Shihe river catchment, which is the upstream tributary of the Huaihe River. Based on the information entropy theory, we calculated and analyzed the information entropy of rainfall records at four rainfall stations and determined the order of importance of each raingage. By comparing the independent and common information between the raigages, the best combination of raingages over the study basin was obtained. The results show that the conditions during different seasons and different sampling intervals required different rainfall network layouts and that these layouts should be adjusted depending on the actual situation. In general, the rainfall network should be designed with larger density in the summer than in the winter, and denser network is also needed for shorter sampling interval to capture the rainfall information.


Year: 2013

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