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Optimal Irrigation Planning with Minimization of Cost of Cultivation Using Fuzzy Logic

Author(s): Dattatray. G. Regulwar; Jyotiba B. Gurav

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Keywords: Irrigation Planning; Cost of Cultivation; Uncertainty; Fuzzy Decision Parameters; Fuzzy Decision Variables

Abstract: The present paper deals with the tackling of the uncertainty involved in finding the minimized cost of cultivation using fuzzy logic. The objective function coefficients, technological coefficients, resources and decision variables have been considered as fuzzy to tackle the uncertainty. In the present study the Single Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming (SOFLP) irrigation planning model with the aim of minimization of cost of cultivation has been developed. The developed model has been applied for deriving the optimal cropping pattern plan for the case study of Jayakwadi Project Stage-I in Godavari River sub basin in the State of Maharashtra, India. The fuzzy sets have been formulated using the triangular fuzzy numbers. The optimal solution with minimized cost of cultivation is 2691 Million Rs. along with the crop acreages (ha) for various crops are X1 = 4249. 20, X2 = 2124. 60, X3 = 4249. 20, X4 = 35410, X5 = 16996. 23, X6 = 14176, X7 = 21246, X8 = 35410, X9 = 7082, X10 =4249. 20. The results obtained are promising for irrigation planning associated with minimized cost of cultivation and closer to the true picture of the real world problem as it incorporates the fuzziness in objective function coefficients, technological coefficients, resources and decision variables simultaneously.


Year: 2013

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