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Dynamic Simulation of Farmland Groundwater Movement Using a Modified DRAINMOD Model

Author(s): Lin Hong; Jian Tian; Wenbing Luo; Xiuhong Chen; Haitao Jiang

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Keywords: Groundwater movement; On-farm; Simulation; Paddy field; Corn field

Abstract: A dynamic simulation of farmland groundwater movement during the experiment is conducted using a modified DRAINMOD, a field hydrodynamic model. The results of simulation are compared with the measured data, and the simulated and observed hydrographs are also compared. Comparison results show that groundwater depth and fluctuating range for corn field are larger than that for paddy field; the simulation accuracy for corn field is higher than that for paddy field. For paddy field, the correlation coefficient between the observed and simulated daily groundwater levels is 0. 817, and the model efficiency is 0. 209; while for corn field, they are 0. 849 and 0. 582, respectively. Both are within acceptable range. The relative error between the simulated and measured groundwater movement for paddy field is -11. 71% and it is 3. 05% for corn field, which means that the simulation of groundwater movement in the paddy and corn field is satisfactory. It is concluded that dynamic simulation of farmland groundwater movement based on the modified DRANIMOD model in this district is feasible.


Year: 2013

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