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GIS-Based Flood Risk Analysis in Jiakouwa Flood Detention Basin

Author(s): Qingzhu Geng; Bin Ma; Ximin Yuan

Linked Author(s): Bin Ma, Ximin Yuan

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Jiakouwa flood detention basin is one of the most important parts in the flood defense system of Daqing-River in HaiHe basin. With the development of economy and society, the population and wealth in the flood detention basin have increased dramatically. For this reason, the flood has a great threat on the flood retarding basin. On the basis of systematic analysis of flood characteristics in Jiakouwa flood detention basin, this research collects a series of basic information such as the foundation map, engineering facilities, historical floods and other related materials and sets up a flood routing model in Jiakouwa flood detention basin by using hydraulics method. The parameters of the model are analyzed, calibrated and verified according to the historical floods. In term of the situation of the flood risk in Jiakouwa flood detention basin, the flood routings for 50-year flood which is in the planning is simulated to obtain the maximum inundated depth, inundated area, water volume and other elements for flood risk analysis. Then further analysis is carried out on the distribution of the flood risk in Jiakouwa flood retarding basin. Combined with GIS technology, the real-time dynamic flood risk analysis is realized by using the calculation results in Jiakouwa flood detention basin. Additionally, the relevant results could provide the technical support for the flood control and disaster mitigation of Daqing-River in Hai River basin and the guidance of flood risk management in Jiakouwa flood detention basin, and can offer certain reference for flood risk analysis and evaluation in the related fields at the same time.


Year: 2013

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