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Imitation of the Hydraulic Devices Operations Within the Complex Pipe Systems

Author(s): Tarasevich Vladimir V.; Lee Anastasia K.; Moroz Andrey A.

Linked Author(s): Vladimir Tarasevich

Keywords: Pipe system; Transient; Computation; Fittings; Devices; Simplified Mathematical Model

Abstract: The original approach named “mathematical test bend” is considered for the modeling the operations of various hydraulic devices (such as valves, regulators, etc. ) being included in the complex pipe systems. This approach allows consider the unsteady process in the hydraulic device independently from the rest part of system if interpret the waves of disturbances in the system as the signals. Concept of Riemann invariants is used for this. The pressure sewage collector was considered as example of pipe system. The influence of the inertia of moving parts and friction on the transients’ parameters in the pipe system was estimated for the non-return valve using above-mentioned technique.


Year: 2013

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