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Study on Numerical Simulation of Dry Out in River Hydrodynamic Model

Author(s): Haixiao Jing; Changgen Liu; Jianhua Tao

Linked Author(s): Jianhua Tao

Keywords: Saint-Venant Equations; Dry out; Slot Method; Preissmann implicit scheme

Abstract: Dry out of cross sections which is a common phenomenon in rivers brings numerical difficulties when using finite difference method. In this paper, two numerical techniques, wetting and drying method and slot method, are compared in order to solve this problem. Then a hydrodynamic model is developed based on Saint-Venant Equations and Preissmann implicit scheme. A modified slot method is applied in this model to deal with the dry out section of the river which is caused by the seasonal distribution of rainfall, greatly varied topography and control of dams and sluice gates and so on. Finally, examples are given to validate the model by comparing the numerical results with the analytical ones. The results shows that the slot method used in this model can deal with the dry out successfully and exactly.


Year: 2013

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