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Fuzzy Logic for Prioritizing Sewer Line Maintenance

Author(s): Del Giudice Giuseppe; Farina Luca

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Keywords: Urban drainage systems; Operation and maintenance; Fuzzy logic

Abstract: Any correct management of urban drainage systems should duly include a maintenance plan to be implemented on the various sewer lines of the network at regular intervals. An optimal prioritization of operations will ensure higher system efficiency and minimal recurring failure and relevant repair. This paper shows the first results of an ongoing research into an approach to schedule urban drainage systems preventive maintenance in terms of both time and location. In particular, the structure of a fuzzy inference system whose purpose is to assess the efficiency (condition) of the various lines of the network based on intrinsic and extrinsic system parameters is set out. The approach is then applied to a study case, namely Naples drainage system, and finally discussed by comparing the results thus obtained with the location of the failure which have been recorded in town so far and ascribed to malfunction of the drainage system.


Year: 2007

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