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Pressure Characterization of Undeveloped and Developed Jets in Shallow and Deep Pool

Author(s): Luis G. Castillo E.

Linked Author(s): Luis G. Castillo Elsitdié

Keywords: Dams; Spillways; Plunge pool; Energy dissipation; Pressures characterization

Abstract: This paper presents the main results obtained from the analysis and revaluation of experimental data corresponding to different instantaneous pressure registers, measured under the jets centre line at the bottom of the plunge pools. The pressure signals for undeveloped and developed jets (disintegrated jet) in shallow pool (establishment of the flow) and deep pool (established flow) are identified; the probability of occurrence of the measured pressure values is determined by means of the probability density function, which is also compared to a Gaussian distribution. These results are discussed and compared with the case of circular jets. Then, formulae are proposed in the following subjects: jet turbulence intensity at issuance conditions, T* u, jet break-up length, Lb, impingement jet thickness, BBj, mean and fluctuating dynamic pressure coefficient, Cp and C´p, and finally, extreme pressures, C+ p and Cp.


Year: 2007

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