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Clustering Process Analysis in a Large-Size Dropshaft and in a Hydraulic Jump

Author(s): Carlo Gualtieri; Hubert Chanson

Linked Author(s): Hubert Chanson

Keywords: Physical modelling; Air-water flows; Hydraulic structures; Clustering process

Abstract: Recent efforts in the characterization of air-water flows properties have included some clustering process analysis. A cluster of bubbles is defined as a group of two or more bubbles, with a distinct separation from other bubbles before and after the cluster. The present paper compares the results of clustering processes two hydraulic structures. That is, a large-size dropshaft and a hydraulic jump in a rectangular horizontal channel. The comparison highlighted some significant differences in clustering production and structures. Both dropshaft and hydraulic jump flows are complex turbulent shear flows, and some clustering index may provide some measure of the bubble-turbulence interactions and associated energy dissipation.


Year: 2007

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