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Use of Matrix Analysis and GIS for River Corridors Identification: The Case of the Tagliamento River

Author(s): Francesco Baruffi; Matteo Bisaglia; Michele Ferri; Roberta Ottoboni; Nicola Surian; Dipartimento Di Geografia; Universita Di Padova; Via Del Santo; Padova

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Keywords: Bidimensional modelling; GIS; Geomorphologic processes; River corridors

Abstract: In planning of river basins, identification of river corridors may represent a key issue both for flood mitigation and for managing and preservation of natural resources. The river corridor can be defined as an area which is strongly linked to a river from hydraulic, geomorphological and ecological points of view. The aim of “Plan of river corridors” is planning uses within the fluvial region to preserve a correct operation of fluvial processes (hydraulic, geomorphological and ecological processes). This paper deals with a innovative methodological approach which is used to define the Tagliamento river corridors. Hydraulic component is estimated elaborating flow velocity and water level data, obtained from bidimensional modelling, opportunely arranged in an “object-oriented” matrix. The output is a territory mapping by homogenous classes characterized by a similar hydrodynamics. Geomorphological component has been defined considering both the historical dynamics (200 years) and the possible future dynamics (50 years), due to very high lateral mobility of the channel. Finally, ecological component is defined considering the currently protected areas and will be monitored with appropriated index. By GIS technology the three components are crossed, obtaining a territory subdivision in classes. Finally, for each class specific uses are defined.


Year: 2007

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