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Turbulent Front Advancement of Blood in Rayleigh- Taylor Instability by Tank-Overturn Experiment and Finite Time Blow-Up

Author(s): Xi Li

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Keywords: Instabilities; Turbulence; Video imaging method; Finite time blow-up; Cascade

Abstract: A laboratory study of mixing in non-Newtonian fluids of blood was conducted by overturning a tank of initially stable stratified fluids of two or three layers. The tank was of comparably small thickness and the turbulence subsequent to the instabilities was pseudo-3D. The Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities initiated the turbulent mixing and front advancement of turbulence. Typically the measurement was started 2 seconds calculated from initial stable condition and the rotating process is about 1 second, two sets of data were analysed by excess density RMS (root mean square) fluctuation, conjecture of finite time blow-up of overturned eddies cascade is confirmed first in laboratory by relating two critical times: the first peak time of RMS, T1; front reaching lower boundary time, Tf. It is concluded T1 / ts1 approximates Tf by introducing a scalar of time scale ts1.


Year: 2007

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