Author(s): David Plew; Koustuv Debnath; Jochen Aberle; Vladimir Nikora; Glenn Cooper
Linked Author(s): Jochen Aberle, Vladimir Nikora
Keywords: Cohesive sediments; In situ flume; Erosion; Critical shear stress
Abstract: An in situ benthic flume for obtaining field measurements of sediment erodibility is described. This straight flow-through device measures both suspended sediment concentrations and bed elevation changes to obtain total erosion rates. Direct measurement of bed erosion by monitoring changes in bed elevation allows for the accurate estimation of erosion rates where bed material may be transported as bed load (e. g. as particle aggregates or in beds with high sand content). Consequently, this device can be used for the study of both cohesive and non-cohesive sediments. Results are presented from two sites with different sediment compositions illustrating the significance of the bed-load transport component and describing how data from in situ flumes may be analysed and interpreted.
Year: 2007