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A Modelling Approach to Asses Algal Bloom Occurrence in Yacyreta Reservoir, Southamerica

Author(s): Angel N. Menendez; Pablo E. Garcia; Mauricio Perayre; Entidad Binacional Yacyreta

Linked Author(s): Angel Menéndez

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: A modelling approach to asses algal bloom occurrence in Yacyreta reservoir is presented. Phosphorous input is carefully evaluated; phosphorous transport is modelled, on top of an existing suspended solid transport model driven by a hydrodynamic model, and the model validated based on measured data; a chlorophyll-a transport model is built, on top of the phosphorous model, based on recorded information from algal bloom events; an algal bloom criterion, based on chlorophyll-a concentration, is established. This chain of models is used to asses the present probability of algal bloom occurrence and the trophic state of the reservoir, and to make predictions for future scenarios of water level increase, from the present one up to the design value, and nutrients input increment, due to the continuous development of the watershed. The presented modelling approach is shown to be an appropriate tool to determine trophic conditions, an essential element for reservoir and watershed management.


Year: 2007

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