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Integrating GIS and Mathematical Modeling for a 1D-2D Hydrodynamic Model of Lake Edko

Author(s): Ioana Popescu; Amel Azab

Linked Author(s): Ioana Popescu

Keywords: Catchement; Water quality management; Mathematical modelling; GIS; Remote sensing; Information system

Abstract: The success of an integrated approach to water quality management in a catchement depends critically on the availability of data. Such data comes in different forms for different levels of users, whether for decision makers and planners or the technical engineers involved in the field. An essential tool used by water quality researchers and managers in developing management plans for rivers, streams and lakes, is mathematical modelling. The integration of various computer technologies and tools, such as GIS and the fast growing technology of remote sensing as a powerful source of data acquisition, together with water quality models gives a more powerful and efficient management tool, especially when dealing with complicated drainage networks in the catchments. This paper presents a general framework for an information system to facilitate surface water quality management. The system is based on the integration of hydrodynamic and water quality models with GIS and remote sensing as tools for generating management scenarios for surface water quality in an irrigated basin. The application is developed for the Edko drainage catchment and shallow lake system in the western part of the Nile Delta in Egypt. In particular the paper presents the development of a 1D-2D hydrodynamic-water quality model for a combined shallow lake-drainage system. The model components, their link with a developed geo-database that includes remote sensing data and preliminary outputs are presented as a part of the management information system, which will be developed for the entire watershed.


Year: 2007

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