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The Effect of Floodplain Engineering Works on the Morphology of Meandering Channels

Author(s): Peter R. Wormleaton; Mile End Road; Robert H. J. Sellin; Queens Building; Clifton; A. B. M. Farukazzaman Bhuiyan

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Keywords: Compound channels; Meandering channels; Flood flows; Channel morphology

Abstract: This paper describes a series of experiments looking at the effects on main channel morphology of two generic types of floodplain works; notably an embankment crossing the floodplain and flood proofing both floodplains over a meander length. The cross-sectional bed profiles and downstream water surface profiles are compared with results of a “natural” unengineered floodplain obtained previously using the UK EPSRC Flood Channel Facility at HR Wallingford. The results showed considerable erosion around the embankment crossing and at the upstream of the flood proofing reach. Much of this material was deposited either in the main channel or on the floodplain around the next downstream cross-over. The cross-section profiles were to a significant extent affected by the changes to the secondary circulation cells caused by the floodplain blockage planform. The upstream afflux resulting from the blockages were considerably reduced due to the morphological adjustments in the main channel.


Year: 2007

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