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ADcp Measurements of Vertical Flow Structure and Coefficients of Float in Flood Flows

Author(s): Yasuo Nihei; Takehiro Sakai

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Keywords: Coefficient of float; Discharge measurement; ADCP; Float; Logarithmic profile; Vertical flow structure

Abstract: To check the accuracy of coefficients of float, which are widely used in discharge measurements with float and image processing, we examine the coefficients of float by conducting ADCP measurements for flood flows in the Edo River and the Ara River in Japan. We compare the observed results for vertical flow structure with classical wellknown velocity distributions, such as the logarithmic profile and Aki’s theory. The latter theory is used to evaluate general coefficients of float. The observed velocity distributions are in better agreement with the logarithmic profile than Aki’s theory. Note that the observed coefficients of float show a decreasing trend as the water depth increases and the average coefficients of float are less than the general values. These results for the coefficients of float are also in good agreement with those evaluated with the logarithmic profile


Year: 2007

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