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SPH Simulation of Hydrodynamics Problems Related to Dam Safety

Author(s): Daria Gatti; Andrea Maffio; David Zuccal A.; Antonio Di Monaco; Consultant

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Keywords: SPH; Dams; Landslides; Spillways; Reservoir; Impulse waves

Abstract: Reservoirs and dams of hydropower schemes may give rise to safety hazards for population and infrastructures where scheme is located, in the presence of particular hydrogeologic circumstances, equipment malfunctioning and/or structural failure. Spillway insufficiency to discharge extreme floods, clogging of dam bottom outlets due to sedimentation, onset of landslide-induced waves in the reservoir, dam-break waves formation due to hypothetical dam collapse are example of issues encountered. Numerical modeling provides a useful tool to make predictive simulations of the hydrodynamics problems associated with the above issues, to assess hydraulic variables of interest e. g. flow pattern, propagation time and water height. In this paper numerical modeling based on SPH technique is applied to simulate unsteady and steady hydrodynamics of 2-D and 3-D test cases schematizing: dam-break flow with either water or non-Newtonian fluid (mud), landslide-induced waves coupled with landslide propagation in a reservoir (rigid block and granular material landslide), hydraulic jump formation downstream a dam spillway. SPH results for the 2-D test cases are compared to experimental data from laboratory physical models. (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics)


Year: 2007

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