Author(s): Manel Grifoll; Javier Romo; Manuel Espino; Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla; Herrera Kaia
Linked Author(s): Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla
Keywords: Risk analysis; Water quality; Barcelona harbour
Abstract: In this work a methodology to evaluate water quality risks in harbour domains is proposed. The purpose is to obtain a risk “mapping” of water quality in order to provide a tool for the risk assessment useful for harbour managers. First, the concept of risk is applied and developed to establish a definition for water quality evolution in harbours. In this sense, the relation between the hydrodynamic behaviour of the water body, the risk of harbour activities and the release characteristics of the harbour domain are analysed. The method has been applied to the Barcelona harbour where numerical modelling is used to obtain inner currents and water renovation behaviour. Finally, risk mapping in the harbour is obtained according to a comprehensive measure scale to inform decisions in water quality risk management. In the conclusions, the uncertainly and subjectivity in the water quality risk process are emphasized. As future works, an operational system to predict the water quality risk is suggested.
Year: 2007