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Computer Modeling Dispersion Plume of Veracel Celulose S/A Diffuser System

Author(s): Jayme P. Ortiz; Kleiber L. Bessa

Linked Author(s): Jayme P. Ortiz

Keywords: Computer modeling; Sub aquatic outfalls; Environmental protection

Abstract: A study for selection of the mill water intake and effluent outfall for Veracel Celulose S/A were conducted by Funda c a o Centro Tecnol o gico de Hidraulica - FCTH. Veracel´ s permit by the Environmental Brazilian Agency stipulates that the effluent outlet should be placed upstream of the water intake. Therefore it is important to guarantee the intake water quality for the production system of Veracel, beside to guarantee Jequitinhonha river water quality, according with Brazilian Environmental Legislation. FCTH organized a field measurement campaign including recognition of area for previous definition of the outfall and intake section. Field measurements furnished the input data for the computer modeling dispersion plume used to optimize Veracel Celulose S/A diffuser system. Preliminaries simulations were done using literature equations and integral models, assuming gaussian distribution, calculating the concentration along the plume axis, and considering the effluent concentration discharge C0 = 1111 mgPt/L, based in the parameter color. Simulations were conducted for measured volumetric discharge of 76 m3/s and effluent discharge of 1 and 2, 1 m3/s, considering the real batimetry, approached to a rectangular channel. The results oriented further simulations using CFD technique with volumetric effluent discharge of 1, 85 m3/s. CFD technique permits the analysis of 3-D effects and the position optimization of water intake definition, using the real bathymetry. The results showed concentrations values below 75 mgPt/l, specified by CONAMA resolution, with maximum values of 60 mgPt/L. The simulations clearly showed the right side river channel preservation for the water intake installation.


Year: 2007

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