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Numerical Simutaion of Flood Estimation Using Quadtree Grid System

Author(s): Hyung-Jun Kim; Jongho Kim; Seung Oh Lee; Yong-Sik Cho

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Keywords: Flood inundation; Quadtree grid system; Saint Venant equations

Abstract: A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model based on the quadtree grid system is developed by solving the Saint Venant equations. An upwind scheme is used to discretize the nonlinear convection terms of the momentum equations, whereas other terms are discretized by a leap frog scheme. To generate a refined mesh about stream levee, seeding points along the levee are extracted and the quadtree grid system is generated for numerical model. This developed model in this study is then applied to simulate the flood inundation of the Hanlim basin at August, 2002. The numerical results are compared with field measurements and numerical results from well known models such as HEC-RAS and FLUMEN. As a result of comparison, for water level variation and inundation area, a very reasonable agreement is observed.


Year: 2007

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