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Application of the FORGEX Method to Annual Maximum Rainfall in Korea

Author(s): Jungwon Kim; Woosung Nam; Ju Young Shin; Jun-Haeng Heo

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Keywords: T-site Frequency Analysis; Regional Frequency Analysis; FORGEX; Network

Abstract: In this study, a rainfall regional frequency analysis using the FORGEX method was applied to estimate the quantile of annual maximum rainfall data in South Korea. The original circle network and two ellipse networks with the ratios of 1 to 1. 5 and 1 to 2. 0 were used and compared to find an appropriate method for Korean rainfall data. For this purpose, annual maximum rainfall data were collected from 376 sites in South Korea, and standardized by the median of annual maxima. As the results, the differences of the estimated rainfall quantiles from the circle and ellipse networks are small when the subject site has small differences of quantiles from regional and at-site frequency analyses. However, the sites in which the differences of quantiles from regional and at-site frequency analyses are bigger also have bigger quantile differences from the circle and ellipse networks. As the ellipse network contained more sites, the estimated quantiles from the ellipse network are more accurate than those from the original circle network. In addition, the ellipse network with a ratio of 1 to 2. 0 shows closer quantiles to those from the index flood method than the 1 to 1. 5 ellipse network. Therefore, it is found that the FORGEX method with 1 to 2. 0 ellipse network may be appropriate method for rainfall regional frequency analysis in South Korea.


Year: 2007

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