Author(s): Vousdoukas; M. I.; Karambas; T. V.; Velegrakis; A. F.
Linked Author(s): Walter F. Silva Araya, Prafulkumar V Timbadiya
Keywords: Coastal morphology; Beach sediment cementation; Beach profile evolution modeling; Sediment transport; Beachrock
Abstract: In recent years, due to the numerous relevant practical applications and problems, significant research has been undertaken studying beach morphology-hard structure interactions. In this study, beach profile evolution is modelled for the case of the presence of naturally occurring rocky formations i. e. beachrocks. Beachrocks are coastal hard sedimentary structures, found nearshore and are formed by the lithification of beach material, due to precipitation of mainly carbonate cements from the coastal sea and/or fresh waters. In this contribution, a morphodynamic beach profile model, based on the Boussinesq equations, is specially modified for the beachrock presence case and applied for different cases of deep water wave conditions and initial profiles. The results show that the morphodynamic behaviour of beachrock-infected beaches can vary significantly depending on the hydrodynamic conditions. A common morphological feature, found on beachrock ‘infected’ beaches, is a scour step on the seaward limit of the beachrock outcrops; this feature may impede cross-shore sediment transport towards the beach and, thus, favour beach erosion.
Year: 2007