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Design and Construction of an Experimental Channel of Hydraulics for High Froude Numbers

Author(s): Manuel Montenegro Fragoso

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Keywords: Froude number; Experimental channel; Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Jump

Abstract: The idea to design and to construct a channel of high numbers of Froude beginning from a doctoral thesis work about the "three-dimensional hydraulic jump" where initially it was thought that this one single phenomenon happened when the supercritical flow, before the jump, outside high (F1 > 12). Therefore equipment was designed that fulfilled the requirements so that these types of flows appeared. In this work one is to the process of design and construction of an experimental channel of hydraulics where they will be managed to cause flows of high numbers of Fraud (F1 > 12). The channel consists of the following main parts: 1) Cistern 2) System of pumping 3) Constant head tank 4) Box of pressure 5) Channel of tests


Year: 2005

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