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Dynamic Behavior of Flood in Lower Central Plain of the Chao Phraya River Basin

Author(s): Napaporn Piamsa-Nga; Maeda; Keiji Nakatsuji

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Keywords: Flood analysis; Retention area; The Chao Phraya River; Numerical simulation

Abstract: The Chao Phraya River Basin locates in the northern and central Thailand. The area covers approximately one-third of the whole country. The northern part of the basin area composes of both highland and flood plain, while the southern part of the area, which is central of Thailand, is only flood plain. Therefore, flood usually occurs every three years and highly severe ones happen every 25 years. Because of land uses were changed by the expansion of urban and industrial areas, extensive inundations have affected not only agricultural products but also industrial activities and life of people lived along the rivers. The main cause of flood is that low capacity of river is inadequate to flood water volume. There are frequently run-overtops in rainy season. Specially, the higher delta area upper Bangkok always have serious flood. The objective of this study is how to design of flooding area for mitigating disaster in the Lower Chao Phraya River Basin. For taking such ways into practices, better understanding of unsteady flood behaviors is necessary in designing structure not only the river channel but also the retention area. Therefore, one-dimensional unsteady flood analysis method is used for clarifying the movements of flood in retention area. The present study is the first step to control water flow for minimizing the flood damage in the Lower Chao Phraya River Basin.


Year: 2005

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