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The Effect of Velocity and Flow Direction at Approach Outlet on Discharge Coefficient of Vertical Pipe Intake

Author(s): S. M. Ali-Zomorodian; M. R. Bagheri-Sabzevar

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Keywords: Vertical intake; Approach channel; Submergence number; Discharge coefficient

Abstract: The vertical pipe intake (VPI) is used as an intake structure for impoundment from river or reservoir. The vertical pipe intakes (VPI) are often more economical in compare with other hydraulic structures. As a result of installation near the water surface they prevent the entrance of coarse sediments into the system. One of the main problems of the VPI is the creation of strong vortices in VPI entrances, which causes the reduction of system efficiency. Recognition of effective parameters on vortices will help the designers and engineers to design a correct and efficient structure. In this research by using a laboratory model the effect of tangential velocity and flow direction on VPI discharge coefficient has been studied and by dimensional analysis it was shown that dimensionless numbers (Reynolds, Weber, Froude, Circulation and Submergence number) attributes the creation of vortices in VPI entrances. The relationship between Froude number, circulation and submergence number have been given. Having these relationship the submergence number has obtained and then the discharge coefficient of VPI is calculated.


Year: 2005

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