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A New Method of Developing Sediment Rating Curve for the Ganges River in Bangladesh

Author(s): G. M. Tarekul Islam; Shahana Akhter

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Keywords: Sediment; Rating curve; Ganges river

Abstract: A sediment rating curve is usually referred to as a power relation between discharge and sediment transport. This curve is used to estimate the sediment concentration or the sediment transport for periods where discharge data are available, but sediment data are not. In this study, the sediment rating curve of the Ganges river at Hardinge bridge gauge station has been developed by establishing power relations between sediment transport as dependent variable and discharge and unit stream power as independent variables separately. The unit stream power when used as independent variables gives better curve as compared to discharge. The sediment rating curve improves significantly when it is developed by partitioning the data into rising, flood and falling limbs.


Year: 2005

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