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Numerical Modeling of Sediment Transport in the Gulf of Kachchh, West Coast of India

Author(s): P. C. Sinha; G. K. Jena; A. D. Rao

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Keywords: Circulation; Suspended sediment transport; Gulf of Kachchh; M2 tide and numerical model

Abstract: A depth-averaged numerical model has been developed to study tidal circulation and suspended sediment transport and is applied to the gulf of Kachchh, west coast of India. The model neglects horizontal diffusion terms and wind stress terms in the momentum equations. The model is fully non-linear and uses a semi-explicit finite difference scheme to solve mass, momentum and advection-diffusion equation for suspended sediments in a horizontal plan. The erosion and deposition has been computed by an empirically developed source and sink term in suspended sediment equation. The tide in the gulf is mainly represented in the model by the semi-diurnal M2 constituent. The spatial resolution of the model is 750m x 750m. Numerical experiments are conducted to study the circulation and suspended sediment concentrations in the gulf. The computed results are validated with the available observations.


Year: 2005

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