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Tidal Bore Processes in the Baie Du Mont Saint Michel (FRANCE): Field Observations and Discussion

Author(s): Hubert Chanson

Linked Author(s): Hubert Chanson

Keywords: Tidal bores; Field observations; Baie du Mont Saint Michel; Scour; Mixing; Ecology

Abstract: The occurrence of tidal bore has a significant impact on estuarine systems. Evidences of tidal bores in the Baie du Mont Saint Michel are detailed herein. In the Baie, tidal bores may spread over more than 1 km width before entering river mouths where the bores propagate more than 10 km inland. The tidal bore passage is associated with major sediment scour beneath the surge front and next to the banks, as well as with scour beneath bore front propagating over dry tidal flats. The Baie du Mont Saint Michel is a distinctive illustration of tidal bore impact on eco-systems. But the bore existence relies upon a fragile hydrodynamic balance which may be easily disturbed by changes in boundary conditions and freshwater inflows.


Year: 2005

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