Author(s): Giuseppe Oliveto; Willi H. Hager; Antonella Di Domenico
Linked Author(s): Giuseppe Oliveto, Willi H. Hager
Keywords: Bridge; Densimetric Froude number; Hydraulics; Local Scour; Pier
Abstract: Based on laboratory tests, still further results on local scour at bridge piers were elaborated. By using the approach of Oliveto and Hager (2002) as a framework, equations providing useful information on the analysis of literature data, theoretical models and field investigations were developed. Local scour at piers founded on piles was also considered. A typical evolution of the scour area is shown in Fig. 1. Moreover, Oliveto and Hager’s (2002) scour equation was tested with large-scale experiments by Sheppard et al. (2004) on prototype size piers.
Year: 2005