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Numerical Experiments of Vertical Mixing in Estuarine System

Author(s): Wen-Cheng Liu

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Keywords: Vertical two-dimensional model; Numerical experiments; Mixing; Vertical turbulent viscosity and diffusivity

Abstract: A laterally averaged two-dimensional model of hydrodynamic and salt water intrusion mode has been developed and applied to the Danshuei River estuarine system to study the changes in current and salinity distribution when the parameters of vertical mixing are varied systematically. The numerical experiments were conducted with real geometry of the Danshuei River system. The boundary conditions include a simple harmonic tidal oscillation and salinity forced at the Danshuei River mouth and a uniform river discharge applied at the upriver of three tributaries. Two parameters, the coefficients of vertical turbulent viscosity and diffusivity, zA and zK, respectively, have been taken (a) as time variation and (b) as a constant. It was found that the use of variable coefficients, zA and zK, instead of constant values, has reasonable results on the vertical profiles of current and salinity distributions during a tidal period. More understanding and better mathematical representation of the turbulent mixing processes are essential to improve the model capability.


Year: 2005

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