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Numerical Simulation of Water Environment in Radial Sand Ridges Area of the Yellow Sea

Author(s): Jianfeng Tao; Zhen Wang; Changkuan Zhang

Linked Author(s): Changkuan Zhang

Keywords: Radial sand ridges of the Yellow Sea; Water environment; Pollutant dispersion; Tidal induced Lagrange residual current; Diluted concentration distribution of envelope curves

Abstract: In order to reveal hydrodynamic condition and pollutant dispersion in radial sand ridges area of the Yellow Sea and to find the perfect position of pollutant discharge in this area, two- dimension vertically averaged shallow water models for tide movement and for pollutant dispersion have been established for simulating the current field and concentration field. The variable grids technology and wet-dry judgment criterion are used in calculating. The Lagrange residual current field of this area is presented, the effects of which on pollutant dispersion are analyzed and the Lagrange tracking of water particle of some typical positions in the area are calculated. The diluted concentration distributions of envelope curves are present and the ranges of effect are compared in different points.


Year: 2005

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