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Simulation of Wastewater Impact on Stream Temperature in Urban Rivers Under Tidal Valiation

Author(s): Mamoru Miyamoto; Tsuyoshi Kinouchi

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Keywords: Wastewater impact; Stream temperature; Tidal variation; One-dimensional model

Abstract: Thermal environmental in urban river system can be significantly changed due to urbanization. In statistic respect, the long-term change in the stream temperature of an urban river system and its relevant factors are reported by Kinouchi (2005). However, dynamic simulation has not been made for more comprehensive understanding. In this paper, wastewater impact on stream temperature in lower reaches of the Ara River in Japan was quantitatively evaluated using a dynamic simulation model. Firstly, the behavior of stream temperature was reproduced in order to comprehend the actual conditions. In the reproduction simulation, simultaneously transport of flow and heat was simulated with a one-dimensional dynamic model. The accuracy of reproduction result was verified with observed value. Additionally, heat transport and heat balance in lower reaches of the Ara River was quantified. Then, stream temperature change due to anthropogenic heat input was elucidated. Two simulation results were compared; one includes wastewater, the other does not. It was found that the wastewater significantly raises stream temperature in winter in whole of the simulation area. Therefore, it follows that wastewater has a great impact on stream temperature.


Year: 2005

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