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Numerical Study on the Effects of Secondary Flow on River Bend

Author(s): A. Safarzadeh; S. A. A. Salehi Neyshabouri

Linked Author(s): Seyed Ali Akbar Salehi Neyshabouri

Keywords: Secondary flow; River; Bend; Lateral intake; CFD; Turbulence model

Abstract: In this paper, using a 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, the effect of secondary flow on the complex flow formation and the morphological changes in a river bend is investigated. Different turbulence closure models are used and the appropriate model is selected. Variation of flow vorticity, as the secondary flow strength, along the bend is studied and the effects of this parameter and distribution of wall shear stress are studied to explain the scouring process in the bed and side walls.


Year: 2005

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