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Development of a Flood Runoff and Inundation Analysis System Using 2D Rainfall Data

Author(s): Kun-Yeun Han; Kyu-Hyun Choi; Gwangseob Kim; Jong-Tae Lee

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Keywords: Two-dimensional hydrodynamic model; Unsteady flow; Flood inundation analysis; Spatial rainfall estimation

Abstract: A two-dimensional flood inundation model was developed to evaluate the impact of levee failure in a natural basin during severe floods. The mathematical formulation of the model incorporated 2-dimensional shallow water equations for flood inundation analysis. Rainfall estimation module of the model was improved by adding an ordinary cokriging technique which optimally merges radar reflectivity data into rain gauges data. The model was applied to analyze the inundation flow from the levee break of Gamcheon river during the typhoon Rusa on October 31 through September 1, 2002. To verify the simulated results, wide range field surveys have been performed including the collection of NGIS database, land use condition, flooded area, and flow depths. Results have good agreements with the observed data in terms of flood level and flooded area.


Year: 2005

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