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Numerical Simulation of 2-D Shallow Water Flow of the Water Environment in Zhenjing City

Author(s): Yilin Zhou; Hongwu Tang; Tao Liu

Linked Author(s): Hongwu Tang

Keywords: Shallow water flows; Water environment; Yangtze river; Tides; Finite element method; Characteristic-based split algorithm

Abstract: A mathematical model is introduced to simulate the shallow water flow in Neijiang River, which is influenced by the flows of Yangtze River and tides. In the mathematical model, the finite element method is adopted to deal with complex river morphology. The detailed method of the numerical model is described and the model can be applied to solve the unsteady 2D shallow water flow with dry and wetting areas varying continuously. The mathematical model is verified by the field data. The boundary variables, velocities and flow directions at points in Neijiang River of the simulation are compared with the measured data. Good agreements of the simulation with the field data are obtained.


Year: 2005

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