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Application of GIS Technique in the Numerical Simulation of Flow and Sediment Transport

Author(s): Guoxian Huang; Jieren Chen

Linked Author(s): GuoXian Huang

Keywords: Two dimensional flow and sediment model; GIS; Numerical simulation; Ganjiang River reach

Abstract: Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer management database information system for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, analyzing and displaying both spatial and corresponding attribute data (Esri, 2003). It is known that there are many kinds of spatial and related data needed to be deal with in the studying of flow and sediment transport process, so GIS can play an important role in the research work. In the paper, the orthogonal quadrangular grids, flow and sediment concentration field, deformation of channel bed and etc. in Nanchang River Reach related to the two dimensional simulation are generated as shape file format by direct reading or using Avenue language. As the attributes of the geographic data are linked to the shape object, the data transformation and interpolation for calculation of the channel bed is not required in GIS tools. In addition, many helpful functions in GIS can be utilized in the flow and sediment transport simulation.


Year: 2004

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