Author(s): Jianwei Huang; Linyun Sun; Jianjun Liu; Mingfu She
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Keywords: Suspension; Mud; Siltation; Tidal barrier scheme; Guiding jetties scheme
Abstract: This paper presents a physical model study on the suspended mud motion in the estuary of New Yongding River. Three control factors were considered, i. e., runoff deficiency and tidal wave deformation, mud suspension lifted by waves outside the estuary, and exchange between suspension and the muddy bed. This physical model study also simulated alternative project schemes. In the physical model study, comprehensive considerations were made for hydrodynamic properties and transport mechanism of the cohesive sediments in rivers, estuaries and coastal areas, in order to achieve better similarity between the model and the prototype. Wave actions were also considered in the model. Test results show that, compared with the tidal barrier scheme, the guiding jetties scheme produced small rate of back silting and enter into estuarial water with a relatively low suspension concentration, but gave larger tidal inflow. Therefore, their deposition rate were of the same magnitude. A comparison between the combined scheme and tidal barriers scheme shows that former scheme can achieve a better result because the guiding jetties can stop relatively high concentration suspension from entering and moving forward, and the siltation amount was reduced by40%.
Year: 2004