Author(s): F. J. M. Denys; G. R. Basson
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Keywords: Piano key weir; Hydrodynamics; Turbulence; Separated flow; Physical modelling; Numerical modelling
Abstract: Piano Key Weirs generate complex flow patterns in their vicinity. These patterns are not only variant in space but also fluctuate over time. Time variant dynamics in the inlet key originate from the presence of separation bubbles which form at the entrance edge to the inlet key. This turbulent bubble periodically sheds vortices which cause regular pressure undulations. In the outlet key, a fluctuating zone of negative pressure can form under a drowned nappe under unaerated conditions. These two dynamic pressure fields create unique forces on the sidewall which separates the inlet and outlet keys. They are thus the subject of a research study utilizing both physical and numerical modelling to investigate their effect on the structural behaviour of this wall.
Year: 2018