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Simulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events Under Tropical Conditions Using a Distributed Hydrological Model

Author(s): Sara Patricia Ibarra-Zavaleta; Annie Poulin; Mariana Castaneda-Gonzalez; Rabindranarth Romero-Lopez; Rosario Landgrave; Ernesto Ruelas Inzunza

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Keywords: Extreme hydrometeorological events; HYDROTEL; Mexico

Abstract: The progressive change in climatic conditions worldwide has increased frequency and severity of extreme hydrometeorological events (EHEs). Mexico is an example: this country has been affected by the occurrence of EHE leading to economic, social, and environmental losses. The objective of this research was to apply a Canadian Distributed Hydrological Model (DHM) to tropical conditions, and to evaluate its capacity to simulate flows in a basin in the central Gulf of Mexico. In addition, the DHM (once calibrated and validated) was used to predict streamflow before the presence of an EHE. The results of the DHM show that the goodnessof-fit indicators between the observed and simulated flows in the calibration process (NSE=0.83, RSR=0.41and BIAS=-4.3), as well as its validation (NSE=0.775, RSR=0.4735 and BIAS=2.45), are satisfactory. The DHM showed its applicability streamflow simulation of thirteen EHEs (NSE=0.78±0.13, RSR=0.46±0.14, and PBIAS=-0.48±7.5) confirmed a reliable efficiency. This work can serve as a tool for identifying vulnerabilities before floods and for a more rational and sustainable management of water resources.


Year: 2018

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