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Changes in Streamflow Extremes and Characteristics: Exploring Links to Climate Change and Variability

Author(s): Ramesh S. V. Teegavarapu; Andrea Carpenter

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Keywords: Climate variability; Nonparametric tests; Streamflow extremes; South-Atlantic Gulf region; US

Abstract: Comprehensive evaluation of changes in streamflow extremes and characteristics due to climate change and variability is the main focus of this study. Available streamflow data at several gaging stations in the least anthropologically affected watersheds of the Southeastern Gulf-Atlantic Region of the U. S. are used for this analysis. Nonparametric trend tests were applied to annual and monthly extremes to evaluate influences due to climate change, , while considering seasonality, along with changes in streamflow characteristics. To understand climate variability influences streamflow data is partitioned in to cool and warm phases of two coupled oceanic and atmospheric oscillations known to affect hydroloclimatology of the region: El Ni~no-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Atlantic multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). Results from the study showed decreasing trends in overall streamflow extremes, as well as spatially varying, temporally non-uniform influences of climate variability on streamflow extremes and characteristics.


Year: 2018

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