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Simulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management

Author(s): G. Desquesnes; D. Alves; G. Lozenguez; A. Doniec; E. Duviella

Linked Author(s): Eric Duviella

Keywords: Inland Waterways; Optimal Management; Markov Process; Uncertainties; Simulator

Abstract: Inland waterways should be more impacted by climate change in near future. The study of their resilience against climate change requires an optimal resource allocation. Indeed, global change effects on inland waterways can be analyzed only if the water resources allocation is optimal. In addition, the events due to climate change are not deterministic. It is obvious that it is not possible to predict precisely their occurrence time, their magnitude and their duration. Hence, climate projections are proposed with uncertainties that can be bounded. In this context, the objective of this paper is to propose simulation architecture of inland waterways that couples simulation software of their dynamics and an optimal water resources allocation approach under uncertainties that is based on Markov Decision Process. The proposed simulation architecture and the designed tools are detailed and implemented by considering some expected climatic events on a part of the inland waterways in the north of France.


Year: 2018

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