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Comparison of the analytical performance of EDXRF and FAAS techniques in the determination of metal species concentrations using protocol 3050B (USEPA)

Author(s): Ana Paula Munaro; Arci Dirceu Wastowski; Cristiano Poleto; Paulo Roberto Bairros Da Silva; Danielle Caroline Schnitzler; Cleyton Nascimento Makara

Linked Author(s): Cristiano Poleto

Keywords: Sediments; Comparison of performance; EDXRF; FAAS

Abstract: Sediments are active environmental compartments capable of interchanging the chemical species with the water column, degrading their quality and influencing the toxicity of the matrix. The average concentrations of sediment-associated metallic species have been used to evaluate the extent of their contamination. The approaches used have progressed considerably over the last few decades and different instrumental techniques have been employed in quali-quantification of metal compounds associated with sediments. This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of the technique of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (EDXRF) performed on the equipment Shimadzu (model Rany, Series EDX-720) in the validation process, adopting as reference the technique of Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS), appliance GBC (model Avanta) to quantify the species: Zn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Pb and Cr in solution, in chemically available fraction (3050B Protocol-United States Environmental Protection Agency), extracted from sediments of the River Barigui, metropolitan region of Curitiba, southern Brazil. The samples were collected according to the clean techniques protocols. The analytical figures of precision, accuracy and determination limit of the method were evaluated using the two techniques separately and on the same samples. Statistically significant differences were observed between the two methods.


Year: 2016

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