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Ice Effects on Bed Changes in Alluvial Channels

Author(s): Fengbin Huang; Ian Knack; Hung Tao Shen

Linked Author(s): Hung Tao Shen, Ian Knack

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Sediment transport and bed change under the influence of river ice is an important phenomenon for alluvial rivers in cold regions. The effect of surface ice on bed changes in alluvial channels is poorly understood although significant changes to the channel bed can occur due to the change in sediment transport rate. Moreover, the changes in bed conditions can affect the ice processes such as the development of ice jams. In this paper, a recently developed two-dimensional depthaveraged sediment transport and bed change model coupled with the surface ice dynamics and thermodynamics is used to examine the interaction of ice cover conditions with the bed change in alluvial channels. Examples of bed changes due the freeze up and breakup of ice cover, the interaction of ice jam formation with bed changes, and the effect of ice cover on the development of alternate bars, are presented.


Year: 2014

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