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Underwater Vehicle Floating Under Ice Cover

Author(s): S. L. Karlinskiy; A. V. Iurkanskii; D. O. Veretennikov

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The subject of the paper is a control of vertical motion of the underwater vehicle operation under ice cover. Underwater vehicles (ROV, AUV, another) unmanned as well as manned are used for exploration of an under ice space. As a rule underwater vehicles are controlled by water ballasting using a compensating tank. . The following factors affecting on the vehicle floating stability in the sea space under an ice cover are the most appreciable: partial loss of buoyancy due to the pressure hull compression due a depth variation, seawater density variation depth wise (sea vertical stratification), influence of the ice cover lower surface on the vehicle hydrodynamic parameters, probability of impact of the vehicle hull on ice cover. The control of the vehicle maneuvering (by the ballasting) is to be performed taking into account the listed factors, which are described as follows. Usually the pressure hull volume variation is determined in advance and can be preset. Vertical sea water density variation can be defined by means of calculation using current sea water parameter hydrological data. The use of seawater density information enhances the reliability and controllability of the underwater vehicle maneuvering. However, the water density under the ice cover may change due to the process of water freezing or melting. For this case the impact of the vehicle to ice cover is explored as function of a contact velocity. The contact force and the following vehicle motion are examined by a computer simulation of the interaction between the vehicle hull and ice cover.


Year: 2014

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