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A Review on Development of Reinforced Ice Structures and Dams

Author(s): N. K. Vasiliev; I. N. Shatalina; A. A. Ivanov

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The necessity to bring different building materials to the remote cold regions makes construction in these regions more difficult and rather expensive. The need for such materials can be reduced by the use of both ice and ice-soil composites. This paper considers various methods of reinforcement and creation of the composites of that kind. The classification of the various methods of ice (-soil) reinforcement is presented. The ice composites are proposed to be used to create a lot of reinforced ice structures: ice domes, ice hotels, ferries, roads and ice airstrips and ice-soil composites–to build and to reinforce earth slopes and water tight elements in dams in cold regions. It is shown there is need to stimulate the development of a building method for reinforced ice and that now we have several successful applications of large-scale ice reinforced construction.


Year: 2014

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