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Preliminary Calibration of a Rheological Sea Ice Model for Wave-In-Ice Using Field Data

Author(s): Sukun Cheng; Xin Zhao; Erick Rogers; Jim Thomson; Hayley H. Shen

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Abstract: A viscoelastic sea ice model has been adopted in the ocean wave model-WAVEWATCHto account for the sea ice effect on wave attenuation. The model has two parameters: the effective elasticity and effective viscosity, to describe various types of ice covers. In this study, , are calibrated with the data collected in the Arctic marginal ice zone, during Sep. 30-Nov. 9,2015. The field conditions and datasets collected are reported in another paper at this symposium (Shen et al. ). In this paper, we report the preliminary results of using these data to calibrate the viscoelastic model. The calibrations are done based on two approaches. One approach assumes that sea ice damping is the only factor that modifies the wave energy. The model parameters, are thus calibrated using the corresponding dispersion relation with measured change of wave energy between two buoys. In a real ocean environment, other source terms, such as wind, nonlinear wave-wave interaction and wave dissipation, are present. Therefore, a second approach is also adopted in which the comprehensive wave energy balance equation is used to account for these other source terms. In this paper, we report some preliminary results of these two calibration approaches using a recent field data.


Year: 2016

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